Eat Cook Explore is a food blog that provides the blogger’s personal opinion on restaurant reviews, food, drink, recipes, food producers and travel. All the content is written or curated by me and photography on the site is all my original work unless stated otherwise.
PR, Disclosure & Contact:
I am happy to receive restaurant invitations, products, press trips, events or services to review if it fits with the readership and audience of my blog. I will blog and document what has been offered and I will write my opinion on each item received. The blog posts will clearly indicate which items that were sent for me to review and appropriate links will be added. All PR invites to restaurants will be clearly indicated on the bottom of each post.
Sponsored Posts
I am happy to feature sponsored posts on the blog. Please contact me for rates for sponsored posts and other writing opportunities and I can supply my most recent media pack.
Sponsored Competitions and Giveaways – if brands would like to offer a competition or giveaway to my readers, please contact me.
Any competitions or sponsored giveaways will be marked sponsored and I will declare if I have tried or use the product or service before.
PR Enquiries
Please contact cookexplore [At] for enquiries.