Dinner at the Twits – An Immersive Theatre Experience

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When you get invited to a dinner party, you expect gracious hosts, not so at Dinner at the Twits. Mr and Mrs Twit are Roald Dhal’s most repugnant creations, Mr and Mrs Twit.

This unique event is an immersive theatre experience with a unique innovative dining experience created by Bompass and Parr.  Hosted in the Vaults in Waterloo, the space has been transformed into the world of The Twits, their windowless house and upside down room. Canapes and cocktails are served in the Mr Twit’s Ghastly Garden. Gruesome hors d’oeuvres that were dished up include wormy spaghetti made with ground up worms, sky rodent goujons and bloodied heart.

Canapes and cocktails are served in the Mr Twit’s Ghastly Garden served by their monkey servants. Gruesome hors d’oeuvres that were dished up include wormy spaghetti made with ground up worms, sky rodent goujons and bloodied heart.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to experience the Bompas and Parr’s creations for dinner, so can’t comment on that. If you want to go along, your ticket includes

  • A cocktail and ½ bottle of wine straight from Mr Twit’s Ghastly Garden and St. John Wines
  • Curious canapes, bristling bird pie and perilous pudding prepared by Mrs Twit and the Muggle-Wumps at Bompas & Parr
  • 90 minutes of entertainment from the worst hosts ever, with the help of Les Enfants Terribles theatre company
  • A chance to roam around the sumptuous outhouses of the Ghastly Garden and to feast in the Windowless House

Dinner with the Twits

Wormy spaghetti
Wormy spaghetti
Eating the Wormy spaghetti
Eating the Wormy spaghetti
Sam Bompass rallying the crowd!
Sam Bompass rallying the crowd!
A Roald Dahl Cocktail
A Roald Dahl Prickly Cocktail


Canapes served by monkeys
Canapes served by monkeys

Mr and Mrs Twit’s Upside Down Cocktail Cavern is their crazy cocktail bar with all the furniture hanging from the ceiling. You can order Cocktails here are served with these scented balloons. The bar is open for non diners too.

Cocktails in the upside down bar
Cocktails in the upside down bar ( No filter in this image, just the strange lighting they use in the bar.)

If you fancy an alternative evening of weird food, even stranger drinks and immersive entertainment, get your tickets now at https://www.twitsdinner.com

Dinner with twits is on until 30 October 2016

EatCookExplore was a guest of the organisers.


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