Explosive Etna Pizza Delivered to Your Door

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When they said explosive, they were not kidding. The Etna Pizza is seriously hot and I have a high chilli tolerance. The first bite made my ear pop (that’s a first).

Pizza Express has brought back this flaming hot flavour by popular request but it’s only available via Deliveroo right now and not in the restaurants.

Before tasting The Etna, my favourite guilty pleasure was the American hot, with added chilli flakes on top. The Etna might be a contender for the new favourite. It has spicy melty Nduja sausage, slices of pancetta, the sweet and spicy roquito peppers and topped with Gran Milano cheese. The slight sweetness is a nice balance against that intense chilli heat. I love it but as I said above, it was quite hot and really did make my ears pop.

If you like to add chilli flake and chilli oil to your pizzas, The Etna is for you.

pizza-express by deliveroo
Speedy service but I surprised the delivery guy by taking his picture
pizza-express The Etna Pizza
The Etna Pizza
pizza-express The Etna Pizza
The Etna Pizza

As it is exclusive to order via Deliveroo or the Pizza Express website, I gave this service a try. I booked through their App and it was a very easy point and click process. You can track the progress of your order on the website too.

From ordering to the food arriving at my door step took about 40 minutes. Just enough time to do a bit of photo editing while I wait. This is a great service for those days when you can’t be bothered to cook and need some comfort food quick.



EatCookExplore was invited to review Pizza Express via the Deliveroo App.

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