Asian BBQ Recipe Ideas
It’s summertime but as usual, the weather here in London didn’t get the memo. It has been a bit cold and wet and as we know when Wimbledon comes round, it is liable to rain.
Never mind, when the sun does appear, the BBQ will be rolled out. Here are some Asian inspired BBQ recipes ideas that you might want to try to add a bit of pizzaz to the next grill out party.
Malaysian Satay
Malaysian Satay is a delicious alternative to the plain meat kebab. The aromatic spice marinade makes the meat tender and super flavourful. This first one takes a bit of effort as it involves marinading the meat and skewering it before BBQing but worth it. Find the recipe here:
Another Malaysian recipe that is a fasting month favourite is Quail Percik, a spicy roast quail. This can be done on the BBQ too, just use the residual heat method with a lid on the BBQ. The flavours are quite unusual as it is a recipe from Kelantan, a state that is on the border of Thailand and the recipe has tinges of Thai influence.
You can find a few more from different Asian countries here, including Babi Guling from Bail, Yakitori from Japan, a Vietnamese Lemongrass chicken and more.
Check out Awesome Asian BBQ Recipes That Will Wow
by May EatCookExplore at Mode