
Girls Night Out – Pizza Making Party

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Once in a while, we get to do something silly on this blog. This event was a Pizza Making Party at the new Pizza Express on Gloucester Road. So it seems that these parties are not just for kids. What a nice alternative to just a simple meal out.

You don’t have to start from scratch making these pizzas. They have prepared the dough, risen it and it’s all ready to roll out. Working with the dough can get quite messy but they do give you aprons. Here is a chance for a lot of silliness and everyone to get super competitive.

Note the rolling pin in the pictures. The real Neopolitan pizza masters will scoff at this, but hey it works.

Pizza making party
Alex and Gian Marie – Our Hosts

You then choose the toppings to go on your pizza from a selection of ingredients like pepperoni, artichokes, black olives, nduja and anything else you might want. (No pineapples though!)

You can choose to cook yours in a pan, on a tray, Romano style or make a rectangular shaped one like I did below. You hand stretch the dough to your desired size. The dough is quite stretchy and can get quite thin in the middle. We leave a little thicker edge.

A spoonful of tomato sauce is added, in a spiral style. Looks very pretty.

We were then let loose on the toppings. I had on mine, nduja, pepperoni, onions and mushrooms. As I was undecided, on my Mediterranean corner, a few pieces of artichokes and black olives. All this was topped with little cubes of mozzarella.

Then our delightful creations were whisked off to their super hot ovens 400 °C . It took 90 seconds for our pizzas to be cooked.

Pizza making party - rolling out the dough
Pizza making party – rolling out the dough
Pizza making party Pizza Express- Many Hands
Pizza making party – Many Hands
Pizza making party Pizza Express- Tomato Sauce
Pizza making party Pizza Express- Tomato Sauce
Pizza making party Pizza Express- Choose your own toppings
Pizza making party Pizza Express- Choose your own toppings

Pizza Express Dough Balls
Pizza Express Dough Balls

Pizza making party Rectangular Pizza

There are quite a few choices for dessert. Between us we had the Lemon Bundt Cake (delicious), The tiramisu (which was not recommended by our Italian waiter), the profiteroles and the luscious Honeycomb cheesecake (very sweet.)

Pizza Express Lemon Bundt Cake
Pizza Express Lemon Bundt Cake


Honeycomb Cheesecake
Honeycomb Cheesecake
Pizza Express Pizza Making Party Prize Winners
Pizza Express Pizza Making Party Prize Winners
Profiteroles and Coffee
Profiteroles and Coffee

 If you are stuck for ideas to do with a group of friends, for something different to do next time, book one of these parties. Pizza making parties are £21.95 for adults and £10.95 for kids. You will need to book ahead and most branches of Pizza Express will host these.

Eat Cook Explore was a guest of Pizza Express

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