Christmas Food and Drink Ideas

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Christmas Lunch can be really stressful, especially if you are the one hosting. You have to do the shopping, the cooking, tasting and buying the wines and champagne, buying the decorations, place settings, name cards and plan the games and entertainment too.  There are lots of ways to reduce the stress by some careful planning, shopping and some cheats. 

Today, you can buy almost all your Christmas lunch ready prepared. They come in over ready packaging, on beautiful presentation platters that you just have to unpack and serve. 

Here are some food and drink ideas for the perfect Christmas party, without the stress. 

Tesco sausage roll wreath
sausage roll wreath
Tesco Seafood tier
Tesco Seafood tier

XMas Tesco Thai Vegetarian canapes
Tesco Thai Vegetarian canapes
Aldi 2 Metre Pig in Blanket
Aldi 2 Metre Pig in Blanket
Coop tear away bread with melted cheese
Coop Food tear away bread with melted cheese
Aldi Halloumi Wrapped In Bacon
Aldi Halloumi Wrapped In Bacon
Asda scallops starters
Asda scallops starters
Asda Pigs in Blanket
Asda Pigs in Blanket
Asda Christas Tree Canapes
Asda Christas Tree Canapes


Christmas Main Courses 

Able and Cole Organic Christmas Turkey
Able and Cole Organic Christmas Turkey
Asda Beef
Asda Beef


Asda Lamb Crown
Asda Lamb Crown
Tesco Christmas Goose
Tesco Christmas Goose
Tesco Christmas Rib of Beef
Tesco Christmas Rib of Beef
Tesco Christmas Beef Wellington
Tesco Christmas Beef Wellington
Aldi Specially Selected Christmas Tree Stuffing Portions
Aldi Specially Selected Christmas Tree Stuffing Portions
Aldi Specially Selected Vegan Stuffing Balls
Aldi Specially Selected Vegan Stuffing Balls
TEsco Christmas Beef and Port Casserole
Tesco Christmas Beef and Port Casserole
Aldi Specially Selected Chestnut Bacon Lardons-001
Aldi Specially Selected Chestnut Bacon Lardons-001
Abel and Cole Nut Roast
Abel and Cole Nut Roast
Tesco Stuffed Butternut Squash Vegetarian
Tesco Stuffed Butternut Squash Vegetarian

Christmas Cakes, Cheeses and Sweets

Aldi - Specially Selected Exquisite Vintage Pudding
Aldi – Specially Selected Exquisite Vintage Pudding
Tesco Rudolf Cake
Tesco Rudolf Cake


Mince Pies
Mince Pies
Tower of Cheese
Tower of Cheese



Asda Penguins
Asda Penguins
Asda Penguin Cakes
Asda Penguin Cakes
Christmas Wines
Christmas Wines

Christmas Wines
Christmas Wines

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