Sozai Cooking School Launch Party

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Cooking Japanese food has always been a mystery to me. I have been eating Japanese food for years but have only attempted to cook a few dishes like sushi and oyako don. It is one thing that I want to learn more about, especially the unfamiliar ingredients.

A new Japanese Cooking school was launched in London recently. It is the brainchild of Hama san of So Restaurant and Akitoshi Handa of ASTA.

My friend Akemi who is going to be one of the instructors there invited me along to the launch party. Akemi is a very accomplished cook and she used to be the personal chef to Tina Turner. She will be teaching a variety of classes there including Vegetarian Japanese Cooking.

01-Sozai Cooking School London

At the launch event, they had Shamisen music, lots of sushi and Japanese canapes, a non stop flow of sake.

Sozai Cooking School London
Nuno Mendes VIP guest at the Sozai Cooking School London
Sozai Cooking School London
Anton Edelman Making sushi at Sozai
Sozai Cooking School London
Nuno making sushi at Sozai


Then 2 celebrity chefs battled it out making sushi with some very unusual fillings like stilton, strawberries and parma ham. They were both taking it really seriously too.

A cooking demonstration.



You can book Japanese cooking lessons online at


5 Middlesex Street,

London E1 7AA

EatCookExplore was a guest of Sozai


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