Cooking Demos at the Natural Products and Organic Show

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I found some interesting vendors at the Natural Products and Organic Show in Olympia yesterday. Here are some of them. It was a bit too busy and didn’t manage to take too many pictures.

This is a a new product from Italy called Natquid


It is basically flavoured olive oils which you would then drizzle on cooked foods to enhance it’s flavour. They had a variety of flavours inlcuding lemon, basil and red pepper. I guess you would use it to enhance pasta, vegetables, fish dishes with the additional flavours. The onion and garlic flavours are of cooked onions and garlics, so this takes it one step further than Nigella’s lazy garlic oil concept. All of these come in a very nicely designed painted glass bottles complete with easy to pour nozzles.

There were even fruit flavours like pineapple which this guy said would be good drizzled on Vanilla Ice cream. I tasted some and smelt the others. You could smell the flavours but I am not sure about the idea of drizzling olive oil on ice cream, unless it had some amazing medicinal value.

They are not available in the UK yet but will be soon. They retail in Europe for about 6 Euros a bottle.


Lady Heather slumming it?


This was Heather Mills doing a cooking demo of some vegan dishes. She did a Vegan Stroganoff with some dodgy tasting meat subsitute. Didn’t tast a bit like the original dish and the meat substitute was quite vile. She gave a very uninspired demo of her other dishes and I had lost interest by then and so had most of the 20 people who were watching here. She was touting some new product of her’s like veggie sausages or something. No thanks.

Amazing Garlic and Chilli Sauces


Of all the stands at the show, this was one of the tastiest. This is Salina Campbell who made these garlic crouton, garlic and chillie oils for the stalls. She said that she had been making them for 10 years for friends and the order just got overwhelming. The stuff was super delicious and I would love to see this on some supermarket shelves. Who know, she could be the next Levi.

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